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Pro's of

wind energy

Pro's And Con's


Wind Energy 

Con's of

wind energy

Clean source-

Wind energy is a green energy source and does not pollute the air. 


Wind is free. As a renewable asset, wind can never be drained. The expense of delivering wind energy has dropped and as it becomes more popular it will continue getting cheaper. Wind power is renewable and there is no possible way we can run out of it (since wind energy originates from the sun).



Cost Effective

Wind turbines can give energy to numerous homes. 

Use of modern Technology-

Wind turbines are considered by some to be very majestic now that the newer models have been introduced. The older wind turbines were clunky windmills however now they are slick and white with a modernist twist.

Wind power only accounts for about 2.5% of total worldwide electricity production, but is growing at a promising rate of 25% per year (2010).

Wind Reliability-

Wind is a fluctuating source of energy and turbines usually function at 30% capacity or so. There is always a threat of the wind turbines getting damaged by serious storms or high winds especially if struck by lightening. This issue could lead to you having to depend on the electric companies to take care of you during those times. 

Threat to Wildlife-

Wind turbines can be unsafe to natural life such as birds and other flying creatures that may be in the area. This could lead to migration patterns changing and there really isn’t a way to prevent this but we can still be made aware. 


The noise of wind turbines have been reported a problem by neighboring homes. Research is beginning to show that the sounds could be causing harm to our hearing. For further information on this please click-                                 

The potential of a good investment-

Residential wind turbines harvests energy saving and protects homeowners from outage. 

They can be built on existing farms-

Wind turbines can be built on existing farms or on land in rural areas. They can be a source of earning for farmers and they do not take much space, so farmers can continue to work on the land without to much obstruction.

Visual Pollution-

Some people enjoy looking at wind turbines and find a beauty in them. On the other hand some find them to be unattractive and fear they will tarnish the beauty of the landscape.

Safety of people-

Serve storms and high winds could cause damage to the blades and therefore could become hazardous if they were to fall to the ground. This could cause life-threatening injuries to those living or working nearby. 

Find Out More

I have created a word document and attatched it to this page, the document contains links to some websites that disucc the topic of wind farms. Hopefully you find them as intresting to read as I did, they cover topics such as the harzards of wind turbines, facts and statistics and maps showind the location of different wind farms in the UK. I hope that by reading some of these it will allow you to bulid your own opinion on how you feel about Wind farms. 



Take a look at out Pintrest Site

Through my research I found that there were some amazing article linked to photos on pintrest. I decided to create a pintrest site so that you can have a browse and a read at your own lesuire. Have a look at the some of the new ideas and new technologies they are talking about using in the future.  It looks very intresting!

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